Here are seven health benefits of CBD oil that are backed by scientific evidence. CBD can help you manage anxiety. Researchers believe it may change the way receptors in the brain respond to serotonin, a chemical linked to mental health. Receptors are small proteins attached to cells that receive chemical messages and help cells respond to different stimuli.
CBD has already been in the news as a possible treatment for epilepsy. The research is still in its infancy. Researchers are testing the extent to which CBD is able to reduce the number of seizures in people with epilepsy, as well as its safety. The American Epilepsy Society says that research on cannabidiol offers hope for seizure disorders, and that research is currently underway to better understand its safe use.
Some studies have investigated CBD's role in preventing the growth of cancer cells, but research is still in its early stages. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) claims that CBD can help relieve cancer symptoms and the side effects of cancer treatment. However, the NCI does not fully endorse any form of cannabis as a cancer treatment. The action of CBD that holds promise for cancer treatment is its ability to moderate inflammation and change the way cells reproduce.
CBD has the effect of reducing the ability of some types of tumour cells to reproduce. This spray containing both THC and CBD may also have anti-inflammatory properties. Due to cannabis prohibition and associated research restrictions, there is little evidence from human studies to support the benefits of CBD oil. Today, CBD oil can be found in capsules, oil bases for vaporisers, tinctures, foods and beauty products such as bath bombs or lotions.
However, it can produce significant changes in the body, and is showing some important medical benefits. The proven efficacy of CBD oil for treating inflammation comes mainly from animals at the moment, however, as more scientific evidence suggests that CBD helps in the prevention of inflammation-related diseases, this is becoming a more widely accepted view. People use CBD oil and other CBD-based products for a variety of reasons, such as pain reduction, anxiety control and seizure management. People using CBD oil should talk to a doctor to make sure the medicine is safe and whether CBD is more effective than other conventional medicines.
Proponents of CBD oil claim that it can be used to treat conditions such as chronic pain, inflammation, migraines, epilepsy, autoimmune diseases, depression and anxiety. One study found that the use of CBD oil reduced resting systolic blood pressure and stroke volume in subjects exposed to stress. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of CBD oil may also help prevent heart-related diseases. A growing body of research supports the efficacy of CBD oil in treating some symptoms related to cancer treatment, such as nausea and pain.
In a recent study, patients undergoing chemotherapy used CBD oil and found that it helped reduce the side effects of chemotherapy, particularly the feeling of nausea. Care should be taken to use only CBD oil to treat any anxiety-related condition, as any trace of THC can increase anxiety and have the opposite effect to that desired. CBD oil usually contains low levels of the cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the compound that produces the 'high'. However, with more and more clinical trials underway and an increasing number of success stories reaching the masses, CBD oil is likely to become a more widely available and accepted part of healthcare.
People say they use CBD oil for a variety of medical conditions without experiencing the intoxicating effects of THC.